Concrete Cleaners Guide: Keep Your Driveway Looking Good


Concrete has been the main building material for many centuries now as it has proven to be the most versatile building material that's ever existed on earth. But how versatile really is concrete? Well, for starters it can be shaped into any shape with little support and once it dries off it can stay like that for a long time. Concrete is a resilient material that is also energy efficient. You can also rely on concrete when it comes to carbon footprint as it has the lowest of any building material.

This is why many surfaces and walls are made of concrete including driveways. Although concrete driveways can end up having cracks this can easily be avoided with very little maintenance. By cleaning your driveway from time to time it will end up lasting you a lot longer than you think. Of course, this requires using the right products in this case, concrete driveway cleaners.

Types of Concrete Cleaners


Also known as concrete degreasers, alkaline cleaners are the best when it comes to cleaning greases, oil and any other hydrocarbon-based stains. This is because of their high pH level which makes for powerful concrete cleaners that can break down oily contaminants or emulsify them. You can also use alkaline cleaners after you've used acidic ones to help neutralise the surface.


An acidic concrete driveway cleaner is one that can remove dirt and contamination stains that can be dissolved in acidic solutions. Acidic cleaners are the heavy-duty solution when it comes to cleaning concrete surfaces. If you want to remove efflorescence from concrete then acidic cleaners are your best option. But since they are so harsh, they cant be washed away with water hence why you need to use an alkaline cleaner afterwards.


If the floor inside of your garage is also concrete you should then consider getting a neutral concrete cleaner too. Neutral cleaners are mild and they are used for indoor concrete since these surfaces are not covered in a lot of grime and dirt. They are easier to clean therefore you don't need as harsh of a cleaner.


Bacterial or enzymatic concrete driveway cleaners as they are also known are new to the market. They rely on active enzymes to break down or even digest stains and contaminants. If there are plenty of starch and protein-based stains as well as hydrocarbon ones enzymatic cleaners are your best solution. 


A specialty concrete driveway cleaner is one made from all the above cleaners. A specialty cleaner is essentially a blend of different cleaners to make one extremely effective type of cleaner that will work on different surfaces and be able to remove different types of stains. Specialty cleaners can be concocted when you need to clean your driveway from different kinds of stains on a more regular basis.

What to Look for in a Concrete Cleaner


Different types of stains require different types of cleaners to be used in order to keep your concrete driveway clean. For example, dirt can be cleaned with mild cleaners while something like pet urine needs harsher cleaners. Remember using a harsh cleaner multiple times can affect the concrete surface in a negative way too.


Staying safe especially when using extremely harsh specialty concrete driveway cleaners is important. Toxicity levels can be high in this case which is why you should either look for a milder version or make sure no kids and pets are close by when using the cleaner. You should stay safe too by wearing gloves and a mask.

Work Time

Although cleaning can be relaxing for some people for others it can be quite the task even when it comes to cleaning small surfaces let alone a big driveway. The time needed for you to clean your driveway with a concrete clean will also depend on the time needed for the cleaner to do its thing. Faster breakdown of stains is possible with alkaline cleaners but if your driveway isn't that dirty, you can get the same results with an enzymatic cleaner.

Concentration & Form

A concrete cleaner is usually available in either a dry or wet form. The majority of liquid cleaners are used for both mineral and biological stain removal while dry ones are used to separate hydrocarbon-based stains and for the absorption of liquids. Liquid cleaners are usually chemical-based cleaners with some being enzyme-based too while dry cleaners rely on microbes to come in contact with hydrocarbons and dissolve them.


A strong and long-lasting building material as you already know isn't necessarily one that you can leave unattended. This is especially the case with concrete surfaces left to the mercy of the elements and other factors. Therefore, using concrete cleaners to keep your driveway in tip-top shape and retain its integrity for longer is crucial unless you want to fill up cracks and rebuild your driveway more than doing simple maintenance.
